About the Proposal

December 2016 marked 3.5 years of dating.  Kim had just returned from China, and Stephen had enthusiastically welcomed her back to Washington, DC.  After two years of jet-setting around the world to meet each other, Kim and Stephen were looking forward to their first trip while sharing a homebase: Stephen’s family invited the couple on a New Year’s cruise with the rest of the Faltemier clan.  

A Joint Proposition

Stephen had been looking for the perfect time to pop the question, as had his brother, David.  The two brothers wanted to share this rite of passage, and decided to propose on the same day, with rings from the same designer.  While each girl’s proposal and ring was utterly unique, they shared the common thread of the two brothers’ intentions, which made the celebration to come something truly special.


Stephen is READY!!

Picking a Prime Location

Stephen booked a trip for the couple to go ATVing on Antigua on December 28, 2016.  While mildly terrified of the big engines, Kim nonetheless agreed enthusiastically to the new experience.  The day before, rain had blanketed the island.  So by the time the group set off, the routes were all satisfyingly muddy.  Kim and Stephen splashed their way to the pit stop overlooking Potworks Reservoir.  As the rest of the group settled into the rest area, Stephen drew Kim down to a lower overlook for a better view.


The view from the overlook – why no one else wanted to see it is a mystery!

The Proposal

Stephen began fussing with his backpack while Kim snapped some shots of the sights.  Seeing him still rooting around in it when she returned, she apologetically offered to carry the backpack for the rest of the trip.  Stephen demurred and put the bag down to put his arm around her.

“I’ve had a great time today,” he began, “It’s been a really wonderful moment.  This is just one of a thousand moments I have enjoyed so far with you, and I hope to enjoy a million-billion more moments with you just like this one.  And so I suppose I have a question for you.  But before I ask, I think I need to root around in this backpack some more….”

Kim was speechless as Stephen knelt down to pull out a box, which held a ring box, which held a beautiful custom crafted engagement ring.

“Will you marry me?” he asked.

Kim spent a few moments enthusiastically hugging and kissing her fiance before she remembered there was something else she was supposed to do.

“Oh!  I have to say yes, I didn’t say yes yet!  Yes, yes of course I will marry you!”  Kim exclaimed.

(Stephen notes it was actually a bit nerve-wracking to wait for Kim to remember to answer!)

And so it was that the couple quietly, privately, covered in mud, made a commitment to each other.

The first kiss as an engaged couple!

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