Shout Out to our Families!

We are blessed with two sets of loving, involved parents and siblings, who are making this day incredibly special for both of us.  In the final weeks leading up to the wedding, we’ve been leaning on them more and more, so we just wanted to make sure everyone knows just how much we love them, and how much we depend on them!  With Kim and G as the only girls of the bunch, together the two families have five brothers – Jeff and Nate, and Matthew, David, and Jacob.  All the sibs are also playing a big role in our big day, and we couldn’t be prouder or more grateful to have them by our sides!

Our parents are our rocks, and have been available for late night panic sessions, and weekend crafting sessions.  This event has been a joy to plan with them (though we don’t guarantee that it was a joy for them!).  Every time we get asked in premarital counseling sessions what we picture in terms of a good marriage, we each cite our parents’ loving, 30+ year marriages.  Joyce and Rick Turley and Sharon and Jim Faltemier are just about the best parents genetics(?) can buy!

So when you see our families wandering around the wedding – thank them for us!  We owe them much more than we can ever really express.  <3