Our Officiant

Our website wouldn’t be complete without acknowledging the man who is about to pronounce us Man and Wife!

Finding an officiant was definitely a challenge – between the location in Colorado (which Kim left well over a decade ago), the later age at which we’re marrying (and so the aging of our childhood pastors), the sheer number of moves Kim has had, and our very recent transition into a new neighborhood and faith community, we were wondering if there was anyone at all connected to our lives who could give us the advice and pronouncement to start our life together.  And then the answer become suddenly blindingly obvious, and we were overjoyed when Tom agreed to be our officiant.


Growing up, Stephen was pretty sure Tom was his real Uncle, and only learned much later in life that they were disappointingly unrelated by blood.  Tom’s daughter Lindsey was Stephen’s eternal childhood companion, and Faltemier childhood photos are filled with the two kids (and later the rest of the Faltemier brood!) camping, swimming, boating, hiking, and generally getting up to mischief outdoors.  Stephen recalls many happy summers of bible camp and other adventures with Tom a key part of the experience.

Tom later moved to Colorado, where he works the land on a gorgeous ranch, connecting him to the landscape that Kim calls home as well.  Tom and his wife Elaine are a wonderful example of a joyful and successful marriage lived with a strong faith as its foundation.  We are honored to have the lessons, wisdom, and faith of this special man as one of the first threads that will bind our marriage together.